1. LA hair
This rare Came Out in rare week this year!!! Many people get confused about this.. Remember THIS RARE CAME OUT!!!! many people still are willing to trade good things for it though because they were not here for the rare week.
2. Snake Tattoo
This one is popular and many people know about it. A common misunderstanding
about it is because people think its a dragon tattoo but it is a snake tattoo. This
tattoo is really hard to trade these days due to the rare week that just occurred. they released many of the rares that made it easier to get a snake.

This rare did not come out in this years rare week and is a pretty high ranked rare. Many people will trade something very good for this rare.

This rare was in rare week 2015. Due to it being in rare week you can only trade other rare week rare items for it. its super cute though ;)

5. Ducky slippers
This rare was in the 2015 rare week. Since this was in that rare week it is still a rare but not as valuable as before.
6. Uptown hair
This was released in rare week 2015. I like this hair a lot better than the LA hair but its just a personal opinion ^-^ Like the rest of rare week items you can only trade this for other rare week items.
7. Stripey
This was released in the 2015 rare week. It is as well still considered a rare but rare as it was before the 2015 rare week.
8. Sweet and strapless
This was released in the 2015 rare week. Again, since it was in rare week you can only trade other rare week items for it. It was found towards the top section so some people did not get it.
9. Fish nets
This was not realeased in rare week. Not many people trade for this a lot. Well at least from what I have seen. ;p so many people are willing to trade this rare.

So this rare had been growing really popular lately. I was not in any of the rare weeks. It is worth a lot in the rare charts i guess. But ya :)
11. Miss Valentine or Miss Val.
This was in the 2015 rare week like the sweet n' strapless and the frill skirt. It is personally my fav. rare week item. Like the sweet n' strapless it was a bit hidden in the top section. You can only trade other rare week items for this dress.
Just a note: when your trading NEVER and i mean it, accept trades where people say i will give you the rare for 10 greets. They WILL scam you. don't accept that even if it is REALLY tempting. I fell for it once and they just scammed me and blocked me.. it was not a good experience.. O_o
Anyways, i will post later about the ULTRA rare items like rose tattoos, girdles, and ect. Thx for reading
~ Chiara Luv ~