Friday, June 1, 2018

Rare Week 2018

Hey guys, I'm back with a new post ^.^

So just wanted to make an update about the recent Rare Week.
Here are a few pictures of all the items that were brought back. They mainly focused this rare week on bringing back ultra rares, and rares that many rare traders were glitching, which is nice :).

Sorry, that was a lot of pictures xD. Anyways, MSP did bring back a few common rare week items, for example, the heart tattoos and flower hair accessories; those are normally always brought back. I think the big new things would be the hair (Not LA girl), the snake tattoo, and some of the pants and tops.

Just a brief note about trading these items after rare week. Normally people won't be eager to trade with you right after rare week. What I mean by this is that most rare traders won't trade their non-rare week rares for rares that were featured in the recent rare week. So if you are planning on trading one of those rares from the pictures (this rare week) for something like a star tattoo or something else not in those pictures (this rare week), I wish you much luck because that attempt might fail :(. 

In general, this rare week has been pretty good. :) What are your guys' opinions? Feel free to leave a comment and let me know!

Farewell until in next time,
- Chiara Luv -

*All photos are the property of Moviestarplanet*

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Answering Some Qestions

Hey Guys ^-^

Thank you guys for all the support you guys have given me about this blog and all the messages you send me on my account! This is mainly gonna be a post answering questions you guys have sent me.

So just, in general, I haven't been on MSP for a while due to school (high school is really time-consuming). Because of the absence, I have been kinda behind on the MSP life I guess so I just wanted to let y'all know that this blog isn't gonna really be up to date I guess you could say. Also, if you guys do reach out to me on MSP, which is super sweet and awesome, I might not get back to you guys right away :/.

Boy Clothes and Glitching
Many of you guys have been asking about boy clothes traders and how to glitch rares. I think I mentioned before, but I personally don't have the ability to glitch them. I kinda don't really support the glitching of rares because it makes the item 'untradable' I guess you could say. To clarify, the glitched rares only appear 'glitched' to you. Once you trade it, it reverts back to whatever the item was, so the person you traded it to gets scammed. Sorry if that was a bit of a confusing explanation... >.<, but anyhoo, I don't have the thing downloaded to glitch them, and I don't really have the ability to glitch boy clothes either. Some of the people I listed on the sideline of the blog do though so check them out.

Anyways, kinda a short post, but if you guys have any more questions feel free to reach out through MSP. It might take me a bit of time to get back to you but I'll try my best. (My username is chiara luv).

So long for now,
- chiara luv