About me

Hey everyone!

So i'll just tell you here what type of rares I have on my account so you all will know if you want to trade or not :)

So I basically just screenshoted my artbook but those are the rares I trade. I wasn't able to be on for the 2015 rare week which is sad but that means I am more than happy to trade for 2015 rare week rares with some of mine :)

So I do have one ultra rare which took me a while to get which is the hair with the pigtails. The one thing about it though is I am pretty sure it is faked so I really don't want to trade it with someone unless they are ok with faked rares. As well I do have a maid dress and I don't know the name of the black shirt right below it, but I know that those two have not been in rare weeks.

So those are my rares and you can totally contact me on msp to trade. I will be having to get more vip soon so I can trade all the vip items with any of you who are vip and want the vip rares. :)

-Chiara luv


  1. Add meh plz usa msp Rainbowdashandsoarin

  2. Add me at xX Canadian Xx USA account

  3. heyy im a rare trader on the uk look me up user: Suranna1 Lev 20 uk

  4. Hey i'm on USA msp and looking for people that will be willing to glitch for free User: Lovver790 or kwaiiachan

  5. Add me on USA msp my username is Towies c:

  6. add me on usa sever my user is iamamime90

  7. add me on usa sever my user is iamamime90

  8. Add me Hottibabe21 and Hottibave22 on USA server

  9. Add me Hottibabe21 and Hottibave22 on USA server

  10. Hey Idk if this blog is updated a lot but someone had gifted me a rare on the UK and on the corner of it is a report sign..? does that mean anything? xD (I have never received a rare until now.. soo)

  11. Hey, if any of you are looking for someone who glitches cheap boy clothes, message: typ1calsus1e

    She gave me two snapbacks for 1 greet, and two boy shirts for one greet.

  12. Add me I have uk and usa same name

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. plz add me msp usa: AmandaStarzxCx13
    can someone plz send me a rare plz!!!???

  15. plz add me msp usa: AmandaStarzxCx13
    can someone plz send me a rare plz!!!???

  16. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE YOUR BLOG. I would be so happy if you could add me on USA MSP? My user is Breahna437backup. Thanks! Je t'aime <3

  17. Add me please my usa user is meangirlcora123 ♥

  18. Add me please my usa user is meangirlcora123 ♥

  19. Hi uhm I dont know if the rose tattoo I have is a rare or not. I got it from a lvl 7 player who had rares but she had started the same day she gave it to me and she wasnt vip. Also I was wondering if rare week is only for vip players or is it for everyone? My user is rainbowsparklebubblegumdrops and im on usa msp. Thanks for the help in advance!!

  20. Add me on Norweigan MSP BruhItsKelsey And // Duckie //

  21. My USA is FireStoneIcyCold
    My UK is PassionatePineapples

  22. This website was super helpful, thank you for making it. It has really informed me on the rares that I have, while also the rares that others have. Just thank you so much. And your page looks amazing,very well detailed.

  23. Does anyone know if ballerina bun, devil horns, and furry are rares lol idk cos I'm a newb .H.

  24. I need help because a good friend of mine gifted me a rare, but whenever I try to wear it, the hairstyle won't show up in my closet (or whatever it's called)

  25. i used to have an ultra but i didnt know it was an ultra then i got hacked an i only just figured it was an ultra now im like damn
