Summers here and guess what that means, lemonade, pool parties, binge watching tv shows, oh and of course more blog updates! I know not all of you guys are completely out of school yet but its pretty soon most likely. As well I have been talking to a few of you that reached out to me on MSP and its been pretty cool to talk to you guys. I just wanted to tell you guys here that I actually cant accept friend requests right now due to me not having VIP at this moment. I will get more VIP soon though so I can accept your requests probably next month or in a couple of weeks just depends. So you can just request to be friends and I will accept soon I promise! :) As well I wanted to add I cannot trade any of my VIP rares right now as well. To trade VIP rares you have to be VIP which sucks, I know, but I will be able to as I said, in a couple of weeks or next month.
So I just wanted to let everyone know that I will be taking requests on topics that you guys want me to write about. This update is actually going to be a topic that someone requested me to do. So ya send in topics you want e to write about!
So about this update, this update is gonna focus on rare hair. A lot of these are mainly glitched because they are from a while ago so are hard to come by. As I said in previous posts, glitched rares are obtained by generators or hacks that you can download online. As much as the glitched rares are really nice, I wouldn't suggest getting them if you are planning on trading them for other rares, BUT if you just want the to wear then they are pretty cool. I will tell you which hairs are most likely going to be glitched, and which are mainly going to be un-glitched due to them being more common or deleted from the server more recently. When an item or items are deleted from the moviestarplanet server they automatically become rare items.
So onto the blog update!
So this hair is actually pretty popular and many people have this hair. This one you normally wont find to be glitched, but some people may glitch this hair due to them liking it so much. (I personally love this hair)
This one can actually be glitched a lot of the times so be careful when trading. It can be found non-glitched very rarely.
This one can be sometimes glitched sometimes non-glitched. Its like half and half most of the time.
This is definitely going to be a glitched item. This is extremely old so its hard to come by. I have been seeing it around msp a bit more often though so I think a lot more people are using the generators so get this hair.
This one is actually a lot more popular now than it used to be. It is mainly found glitched and is hard to come by as non-glitched.
This is a rare hair that will be most common as non-glitched so when your trading you dont have to worry about getting one that was glitched.
So this one actually has a pretty similar type of rare hair that is the same style but without the little visor. This would not be a glitched rare do to it being in rare week 2016. But even though it was in rare week, it could be glitched.
So these pigtails are mainly found glitched. There are a few I have come across that are not but mainly, they are glitched.
So this hair is mainly found as a glitched hair. It can be sometimes non-glitched but most of the time, like 90% of the time, it is glitched.
Lastly, the LA hair which is the most popular hair out of most rare hairs. This one is always found as unglitched due to it making an appearance in the rare weeks.
I hope you guys have a great summer! Ill update again soon!
~Chiara Luv~